Hazel Hill
3 min readOct 28, 2020


Shepherd’s Pie in the Fall

Sometimes in life we have people in our life that we keep on wishing would leave it. Though you should be more careful what you wish for. This is a lesson that we as children watching any movie with a genie should learn and understand. The desires we hold to be true are not usually accurate. Language is important and understanding what our words truly mean and reflecting on that can save us from pain in the future.

There are people in the world that have been hurt in ways that you could never imagine. Some of these people do not have the concept of how healthy relationships are. The cards that were dealt to some were not the prettiest and taught some people the misunderstandings of love. The hurt brought to them is what they know to bring to others. Those impacted are then impacted. Luckily a bit of that group can recognize and have the strength to pull themselves through and do what other person could not. Rise above the pain and become better from it.

There are terrible people in this world. Some purposely inflict pain and it brings them joy. However, their are also those that inflict pain because that is what they know. This is not who they are. They are not a bad person. What they do is wrong, bad and hurtful. But underneath the pain caused through them by black eyes and the words that can hurt you the most coming from someone you love and adore, there is a good man. A man that can teach a little girl to ride her bike and a man that makes shepherds pie in the fall. A man that will wrestle in the living room in the evening and pretend that the ten old could beat him. A man that will tell the little girl she can be whoever she wants in the world. A man that says that he is proud to have her as a daughter even if not by blood. A man that teaches a little girl who grows up to respect herself enough to stand up with a voice and not even let him say something hurtful without a fight. Sometimes it is an illness within their brain that is bad. It is not the shell or the heart of the person with the illness. Majority of the time we need a place to target the blame. We target the shell of the illness.

We wish that the man that causes us pain would disappear and you won’t have to deal with the shameful names, yelling and constant unknown of what will happen next. But in those moments you’re in pain and you do not recognize the pain the illness within the mans brain and the lifelong agonizing pain thrown to him. You want and wish him gone. What you want though is not him gone you want the abuse gone. You want your family safe. You want your little siblings to be the best. You want your mom happy. You want you happy but you think of yourself last.

One day though that little girl will look and she has, at what the illness did to their family and herself. She will wish she chose her words more carefully. She will wish that she could give him a hug and tell him that she loves him. Her then wish came true, he is gone illness and all. It is a hard truth and one that girl is not ready to accept. That not so little girl anymore knows that she has been put through more than anyone should every have to go through in more ways than just that one individual. She also understands that she had two options break down and let the pain be who she is or to take the pain and harness it a new way.

Be the individual he raised you to be. Take the second option. Our pain and misfortunes as well as how we handle those make us who we are.

The girl knows and is working everyday to prove it.

